You can support this documentary film project through agreeing to be interviewed, arranging an interview of someone else, offering in-kind support, or contributing monetarily.

You may send your tax-deductible contributions to the NAPPE address below:


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or contact the project through e-mail at:
Note: All contributions will be recognized on this web site and in the end credits of the film.
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Support for this project is diverse and far reaching. Thanks to the following institutions, groups, and individuals that have opened doors, sent letters of support, and/or provided interviews.

Carnegie Hotel
1216 West State of Franklin Road
Johnson City, TN 37604 (web)

Bernardine Dohrn, J.D.
Clinical Professor, Child Advocate
Children and Family Justice Center
Northwestern University School of Law
Chicago, IL

Wendy Blair, M.F.A.Educator, Memphis, TN
Interview coordination & aid

Laurie Draves
Disability and Educational Advocate
Greeneville, TN

ETSU logo
Dr. Bert Bach, Provost, & Academic Affairs
For "Non Instructional Assignment"
Johnson City, TN

India E. Dyer, Model, Johnson City, TN

Kaye M. Ford, J.D., Knoxville TN

Randle L. Jennings, Teacher / MCS
NCAA Certified / SIAC Conf., Memphis, TN

Dr. Robert J. Koterbay, M.D. F.A.A.P.
Pediatric Associates of Fall River, MA
Clinical Instructor of Pediatrics
Tufts University School of Medicine

LaShana Leigh
Interview coordination & aid
Johnson City, and Memphis TN

Jerry W. Maness, Director of Court Services
Juvenile Court of Memphis and Shelby County
Memphis, TN

Scott McCrary, Senior Graphic Designer
Marketing Communications
Wade Blankenbeckler,
Designer, Digital Media Group
Ben Dowdy,
Senior Creative Services Represenative
EASTMAN Chemical Company
Kingsport, TN

Missy McGowan, Family Services Worker
Kingsport, TN

Metro Juvenile Public Defenders Office
Nashville, TN
Beth Cruz, JD
Jennifer Hall, JD
Trish Hayes, Social Worker
Ainka Jackson, JD

H. Keith Moore, Model, Johnson City, TN

NAPPE Board of Directors

The Honorable Curtis Person
Juvenile Court of Memphis and Shelby County
Memphis, TN

Raising Hands: Creating a National Strategy for Children's Right to Education and Counsel
American Bar Association, Section of Litigation, Section of Criminal Justice, Young Lawyers Divison

Dean Hill Rivkin, J.D.
Brenda McGee, J.D.
Educational Law Practicum
University of Tennessee, College of Law
Knoxville, TN

Jacqueline Roebuck Sakho, MA
Regional Coordinator; West TN; STEP, Inc.
Consultant, Restorative Justice Practitioner
Importance of Restorative Justice

Robert G. Schwartz, JD, Executive Director
Juvenile Law Center
Philadelphia, PA

Tennessee Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, (TACDL) Dismantling the School to Prison Pipeline: The Continued Criminalization of Our Youth/ Strategies for Systemic Change
Nashville School of Law, Nashville, TN

Randee J. Waldman, J.D.
Director, Barton Juvenile Defender Clinic
Emory University, School of Law
Atlanta, GA

A.C. Wharton, Jr. J.D.
Mayor, City of Memphis, TN

Sherry Wilds, Attorney
Disability Law and Advocacy Center
Nashville, TN 37212

The Stake Holders - Students and Families:
(Note: Names may be partially listed or city withheld to protect identities)

Jay-Jay, Student, TN

Cheri L., Mother, TN

Corey Nelson Crock Jr. TN

D'Ander Polk, Student, TN

Devon Polk, TN

Gabriel Polk, TN

Genavese Polk, TN

Thank you for your tax deductable gift to the "Dismantling the School to Prison Pipeline Project" in memory of Fletcher H. Dyer.

Even though Fletcher was never personally affected by this phenomenon he was troubled by its effect. The project will culminate in the production of the documentary film "Precious Resources Caught in a Pipeline" exposing this issue. Thanks to the following individuals and professionals that have contributed to this project by honoring the memory and life of Fletcher H. Dyer:

Department of Art Faculty
University of Central Arkansas

Human Resources Staff
East Tennessee State University

Dr. Bob & Martha Alfonso, TN

Richard B Carter, M.D. TN

Marjorie M Thigpen-Carter, J.D., TN

I. M. Dyer, VA

Opal Dyer, VA

Honorable Sharon M. Green, J.D., TN

Charles R. & Jennifer Hall, TN

Mike & Susan Kirk, VA

June & J.P. Kreger, FL

Julia Parish, VA

Robert Jessee, J.D., TN

Honorable Penny J. White, J.D., TN

Gregory M. Stein, J.D., TN

Jeanette M. Kelleher, J.D., TN

Kim & Bobby Vest, AR

Joan Scheu, TN

Ann Sentz, VA

Betty A. & Carlton S. Villier, TN

Sherry Wilds, J.D., TN

John & Partricia Whitcomb, VA

Christina Young, J.D., GA

Thank You for Your Support!